Salford Trout Lakes is a small privately owned Trout Fishery, comprising of two spring fed lakes. Eight acres of water set amidst beautiful, rural North Cotswold countryside, the lakes have been in the same family ownership since their creation some 48 years ago. The adjoining unspoilt countryside acts as a wonderful habitat for numerous plant, fly and insect life which lends itself to producing challenging fishing for Brown, Rainbow, Sparctic, Blue and a few Tiger Trout.
Season Opens: Tuesday, March 11th 2025 | Season Closes: Sunday, November 2nd 2025
50 Fish
(Bank transfer is preferred method of payment but we will accept membership cheques to Salford Trout Lakes).
Day Visitors
Catch and release with option to take 3 fish home
Day visitors please either pre pay via bank transfer or on arrival please place correct amount of money in the secure box located in each hut. Envelopes provided.
Bank Details
Bank details: HSBC A/C: Salford Trout Lakes 01061151 | Sort code: 40-17-19
Please use your name as reference.
Would all fishermen please register on arrival and make a catch return when leaving.
We would prefer not to handle cheques.
A Catch and Release policy now exists on all fish species. Fishermen wishing to take fish are encouraged to take Rainbows and any fish not fit to be returned to the water must be killed. Please use barbless hooks at all times.
Consideration is being given to adopting and retuning to a ‘catch and kill’ policy for the months of July and August only.
Further details will be published after consultation with members.
Rods and equipment are available to hire for visitors whilst in the area.
Tuition, advice and assistance are available by appointment.
The Easter Holiday is an excellent time to start fishing. Tuition is available, and concessionary rates apply for under 14’s. Please contact us for details.